Friday, October 15, 2010

Yoga "Demonic"?

This article appeared recently in the Seattle Times. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I did have a nice discussion at the start of a yoga class yesterday about the concept of yoga being at odds with being Christian. Never mind that Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within us. I really believe this. I might have more to write about this later, but I wanted to post this while I'm thinking of it.

I've been talking with folks at my charismatic church about yoga on and off for the past year and listening to comments people about yoga and meditation. Some of them are very thoughtful and some are ignorant. And one comment was really interesting to me after I invited a friend to come with me to my studio - that as a Christian she has to be careful about what kind of spiritual energies she exposes herself to. I hope we'll continue the conversation. I don't see our human bodies as inherently demonic, evil, sinful and that's one of the things I wonder if people are saying when they say yoga is demonic. My body is a sacred vessel and an amazing teacher, healer, creation. I believe that about your body too.

I can't imagine my life without yoga. I don't say that lightly.

I am Christian. I've made a commitment to walk this path, my feet are firmly planted, my eyes are on Jesus, but my arms, my heart and my mind are wide open to wisdom - wherever it comes from. And there's a yoga mat under my feet now, Praise God. I'm not really concerned about whether or not this meets anyone else definition of being a Christian. I hope you see the fruits of the Spirit in my life and those around me. And when you look at me and I look at you I hope that's what we're looking for.


  1. thanks to all the pilgrims who cross our path. some encourage, some question. all bring us closer to our light, somehow.

    you bring me closer to mine, sister yoga christian :)

    love you
