Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Over half way through my little pilgrimage. Landed in Michigan yesterday. Making my way west. Migrating home. I notice that I need a little transition time as I move from place to place to settle in with all the different people I'm seeing and spending time with, a little adjustment period into my temporary nests. The deers in the backyard and the bright red cardinals are welcoming and calm. Being here without my sister feels strange. I miss her. I didn't expect that. Funny and nice to think I'll see her when I'm back in Seattle, that we'll celebrate Thanksgiving together on the west coast this year. Today it's me and my mom, alone for the day, a rare treat.

Other people need time to adjust to me too, I think. That was a learning for me a few years ago. More of the "it's not just about me" theme.

Being with Jordan was really, really easy. After messing up some solo subway trips the first day trying to navigate unexpected track maintenance, I really stepped into the rhythm and loved walking around New York by myself. Riding the trains and people watching. Making a commitment to smile at everyone, beaming inside at the rare smile back. A few people even asked me for directions while I was there. What a gorgeous place. And such a delight to get off the train in Brooklyn and walk up the stairs to find Jordan at her desk, get a hug, swap stories about the day, see her projects, share my city tales, and head out for a couple hours together and fall asleep talking or watching TV in bed.

One of the many things I'm loving about this month is the mixture of alone time and shared time. Everyone I've visited so far is working or in graduate school or both. It's divine. Solo hours and shared meals. Not talking for hours mixed with good night wishes and sending off hugs after breakfast. No one caring where I am or what I'm doing during the day and then knowing folks are waiting for me or I'm waiting for them when the sun is setting. No pressure to be on or be entertained. And I get a view into their daily living, shining their lights, learning, serving, and pushing on.

My mom just said to me - "If you want quiet time you're not gonna get it here. I talk a lot and I'm so excited to have you here I can't shut up." I got a "Hey, Toots" and some squealing and a long hug at the airport yesterday. Much to R's chagrin I imagine, I let my mom call me anything she wants including "dolly." It just feels different when she says it. I better get with the program or I'll miss out on all the fun of being with my mom today.

Love to you all, Em

P.S. Clearly I've just gotten the Hipstamatic app for my phone as well and am loving it.


  1. I have been obsessively checking your blog since you have been gone. You do not have my permission to ever move out of my radius :) Love hearing about your trip. And that nesting photo?! Beautiful. I can see making cards out of that. Love you.

  2. Toots....uh. I can just hear you two. Sending you bliss'd bless'd pilgrim vibes for the rest of your journey.
